The systemic approach of the BrusselsDonut project is inspiring. In fact, this project is one of the rare initiatives to be coordinated by an association in close contact with the Region and the players on the ground. The Brussels case also stands out for its integrated and systemic approach, with 4 scales of analysis (Macro, Meso, Micro, Nano). The Brussels Donut team is regularly invited to present its approach at international events.
The Donut theory is also spreading beyond our borders. A whole Donut business community has sprung up around the world. It currently has almost 5,000 members! This community is supported by the DEAL (Doughnut Economics Action Lab): this is the team around doughnut founder Kate Raworth whose aim is to support all the doughnut initiatives emerging in the 4 corners of the globe.
Other networks are exploring, experimenting, exchanging and mobilising to move towards a society where the economy is integrated with social and environmental dimensions. The C40, NetZeroCities and Cap Bien Vivre initiatives are all part of this dynamic.
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