Save-the-date - Shifting Economy Week
The Shifting Economy Week invites you to its 4th edition!
From 23 to 28 September 2024, join us for 6 days of events, sharing and meetings.
Let’s work together to transform our economy towards greater social and environmental sustainability! This year, the face-to-face events of Shifting Economy Week will be complemented by a programme of online events put on by the organisers of The Wonder festival.
Notez dès à présent les dates dans vos agendas !
the doughnut at the Shifting economy week - 3 events
event 1
Master Class – Advertising through the prism of the doughnut
24/09/2024 AT 14:00
How can advertising be transformed to serve a sober and desirable society?
A workshop dedicated to communicating sustainable solutions
Speakers : Wim Vermeulen – Director of Strategy and Sustainability at Bubka (Antwerp)
event 2
Master Class - Accounting through the prism of the doughnut
25/09/2024 AT 14:00
An introduction to the CARE model, an accounting approach to preserving the natural environment and human beings in a similar way to protecting financial capital
Speakers : Matthieu Astic – Cercle des Comptables Environnementaux et Sociaux (Paris)
event 3
Conference-debate - The company of tomorrow, serving the common good?
25/09/2024 AT 18:00
Designing the company and its businesses to have a beneficial impact on society and the environment
Speakers :
- Kate Raworth – Senior Associate at Oxford University’s Environmental Change Institute
- Cécile Renouard – Présidente du Campus de la Transition – Directrice Scientifique du programme CODEV à l’ESSEC (Paris)
- Discussion en panel avec des écopreneurs accompagnés de Wim Vermeulen (Bubka – Antwerp) et Matthieu Astic (CERCES – Paris)
Organisers of the 3 events : Confluences and Kaya
Registration via the SHIFTING ECONOMY WEEK – Tick the event(s) you are interested in and press “next”.